This final year of school is taking a lot out of me, so I probably won't resume working on my 'Bank' flash until the Easter holidays, though I doubt anyone is anticipating its release that much.
Lochie's website ZacOnFire is finally up and running, and my comics that I write (not draw... yet) are going to feature there, so look out for them.
Invanye, the band i'm in, is doing great. No recordings yet, but we have stickers and T-shirts (I'm wearing mine now). Strange order to do things in but nonetheless, we have a gig coming up in a few weeks time, good for us.
I'm very keen for finishing school once and for all (Barring possibly Uni, maybe...) Schoolies then a vacation with mates down to melb. This year is flying by, but it could shape up to to be the best year of my life so far. So here's hoping.
I leave you with a picture I did in flash about half an hour ago, props to VirturalRift for the concept. Might get turned into a flash someday.
Have a nice day piss wee cunt piss poo,
Well I wish you the best of luck and hope the site and everything goes well. Oh btw that pic looks like a demented furby.
Haha, that's kinda how I was told to make it. Thanks!